Sunday, September 6, 2009

Perfect Symmetry

Yes, indeed. That was the perfect symmetry of the best music, amazing band, incredible atmosphere and... stage lighting! 

The Keane concert in StPetersburg was superb! We found ourselves in the midst of a crowd, dancing and singing and waving our hands, captured completely and utterly until the lighting nerd worm inside us cried: Look up guys! The light effects! That lilac! And that succession of changing scenes!

The stage lighting is all about creating emotions and leading the audience throughout the show, from one song to another, from sadness to exaltation, from feeling the dramatic unity and empathy with the band to clearly realizing the greatness and god-like quality of the performers... to catharsis.

All this and much more was created at that concert. The LD behind it - Matt Arthur (Matt, thank you!), the show was designed and programmed by Rob Sinclair. And this is a perfect inspiration for us, those in professional lighting, for only adding emotion we can spice up a still life of an interior.

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