AS EVERY AUTUMN the world starts to sum up, analyse and make prognosis, we couldn't stay away and decided to jump on the fortune-telling bandwagon. And the figure 2010 looks quite futuristic itself so... Here is the future lighting as we see it, the decorative and techno sides of it.
In recent projects (recent übercool projects, that is) there's a tendency to apply gigantic lighting fixtures, the bigger the better: they may constitute the whole wall, functioning as fake windows, or create an illusion of a ceiling opening up and letting the light flood the room. The scale of pendants is also getting bigger, thus turning the fixtures into modern statues in themselves.
Made-to-measure - oh, we love the cut! We all want to look unique (maybe, looking unique drives us to the next step - being unique). Customization helps us to position in another way. The staple product doesn't satisfy anymore. Of course, we continue to admire and use the design items that scream "Ingo Maurer" or "Louis Poulsen" but sometimes even a big designer name is not enough. The lighting garment constructed to fit each customer, each room individually - forget standartization!
Moomin Store, Vantaa Airport, Helsinki: Cloud-shaped fixtures.
Architecture and lighting merging - the daydream of evvvvvery arch! Lighting being one of the raw materials and not a focal point in the interior, lighting built-in geometric figures, non-existent lighting supporting architectural details of a room, abstract lighting helping to single out goods in a retail environment. You don't see it!
We've made several posts on this trend (Paris Stripes A New Trend, Stripe-y Trend Update, Marimekko Graphic Line) - linear fluo tubes used for "lighting sketches". Simple shape, unlimited abilities. And such a graphic result! We couldn't control ourselves and have tried our hand(s) at making a story board for the luminaire PEN (the name is a derivative from "pendant").
It's all about new technologies. And it's all about inner-child who has got the new toy and tries to make or break. Diods are providing vast possibilities, and we seem to go far'n'beyond. This DMX colour changing chaos, this sparkle and Christmas Tree effect - maybe it's not a prediction but a desire to see something truly stylish. So, LED applied unobtrusively and to the point. Let it be!
Golden Ring Hotel, Moscow, Russia Photo:
Check out iTune Store, there's a number of a pocket programming applications for iPhone (Pocket LD, for example). They let a lampie (theater jargon for a light designer) create a couple of efx on the go. In our times of techno-savvy divas, who would wave aside an opportunity to make up a light scenario at home or in an office turning it into a stage (using a phone or a wifi device, for divas are rolling stones)?
Software for DMX control screenshot Picture - courtesy:
Future of lighting industry is going to be defined by electronics companies. Light sources as we know them pass away, giving the floor to solid state lighting (aka LED) with incredible possibilities for programming, design and application. A common "lighting device" will have its own interface (no doubt, user friendly; farewell too-square-too-techno, hours of figuring out which button to push). New G power sources will let mains roll back and free apartments, offices, stores of wiring.
No limits. Close your eyes and see the light.