Thursday, August 6, 2009

Light Well - Well?..


Where else if not in the city famous for its White Nights (oh those nights... OK, this is another story :) could we encounter the light well as it is and in such an abundance (we are in Russia, remember?). Solid concrete roof/ceiling with lots of wells dispersing light + big front edge window walls + big :) screens displaying destinations and time table - they all constitute the lighting setting for the huge hall (see, Russian's synonymic to "huge" and "big").

Daylight helps in cutting down the energy consumtion and this is amazing 'cause in the 70's (the time the building's construction refers to) the energy cost was low in the Soviet Union... Thinking future - the architects of the past were good at it!


  1. Promise us to drop by there in winter when they start turning on fluo tubes in the wells. Great post, Vas!

  2. Great pictures from the railway station.
    makes one wanna travel by rail.

    Soon you have all material needed for compiling a complete "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Lights of StPetersburg" (Douglas Adamns style)
