...it woulda been... the classic entourage of disco glamour, all those beams and gleams and sparkles, costume dancing and diamonds...
Aber... Mein Gott! Die Stimme! This is the perfect antidote to the frivolous genre, the voice and the lyrics. And I love paradoxes. And complexity. And lighting. In any form!
So... this is the combination of both, the wrapping and the content: the world seems cruel "when the lights are on, but everyone's gone". And you're standing in the spotlight alone, this is the most nightmarish of all my dreams (Dear Sigmund, please, analyse this! :) Or, "when the lights are out on every street" (Dear Valentina, please, add more lighting to our streets! :)
Meanwhile here I am, glancing over and over and over again, mesmerized by the flows of glint, twinkle, glitz, glitter, frozen tears...